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09 Feb 2025

Write For Us

Write for us on everything WordPress.

The WP Stack are expanding on our content offering and would love you to contribute. Our site has been created with a single goal in mind. To help, inform and inspire everyone working with WordPress.

Are you a passionate writer? An aspiring Blogger? A seasoned developer looking to share your expert knowledge? Then we want to hear from you. Why not write for us and share your WordPress skills and knowledge with the WP community.

How it Works

To write for us and become a contributor simply follow the below steps.

  1. Writing an article: Choose any topic based on the guidelines laid out below
  2. Getting published: If your article meets our requirements, we will publish it. Yes, it’s really that simple.

If you want to write for us and become a featured contributor on The WP Stack please read and review all of our guidelines

Guest Post Guidelines & Requirements

We want the very best for our audience and readers. Our content is all about quality and it’s important we maintain consistency in the content we publish. Read on through the next sections, they are there to help you and increase your chances of having your content featured.

Make it Count

While we love juicy long form content it has to be engaging. Creating noise to get the word count up to a specific length will almost always lead to an article losing its value. We prefer longer content over 2000+ words. Please note we have a minimum requirement of 1000 words

Keep it Fresh

We do not accept content that has been published on any other site, including personal blog site. Fresh content is the name of the game for The WP Stack. We will accept topics that have already been covered as long as you bring a new perspective to it or new updated information. Be original. Our editorial team will check every article from top to bottom for its uniqueness using the best tools available. We take plagiarism very seriously. If you do quote someone then they must be credited.

Type of Content

Content subject must be relatable to WordPress and beneficial to our audience and the wider WordPress community. We do accept articles centred around digital marketing topics like SEO, website performance, design etc as long as it related to WordPress.

Topic ideas could be based on:

  • Case Studies
  • In Depth How to Guides
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Plugin Reviews
  • Theme Reviews
  • Tutorials
  • Performance Improvements

How to submit your content

Simply use our form and pitch us your topic ideas. One of our editorial team will respond as soon as they can. If it ticks all the boxes as laid out above you’ll soon be a featured contributor on The WP Stack.